Door surrounds leaking worse then titanic


New member
All the seals look what? Should I add a seal to the door surrounds where the door seal is supposed to be tight?
Thanks guys
Might be time to put the garden hose on the suspected area of the leak and go from there. I hate leaks and intermittant electrical problems! Good luck!:yup:
i looks like you have a hard top by your pic. if so make sure that it isnt screwed down to tight otherwise this will cause a leak
Might be time to put the garden hose on the suspected area of the leak and go from there. I hate leaks and intermittant electrical problems! Good luck!:yup:

Agreed. It'll help out a lot to isolate where it's leaking from before you try to address anything. Your dealership would do the same thing. As with any convertible, leaks can and do occur. On a Jeep with doors that come off and a windshields that folds down, leaks and the possibility of them become that much greater. They can be fixed but you do need to know where to start.
It rained pretty steady all this morning in New York so it was pretty easy to find where is was, same spot on both doors, near the and a little forward from the door handle straight up
Had the same leak, I added so foam weather striping across the surrounds so that it makes contact with the door seals. Been running this trick for a few years now and the foam is just starting to flatten down but at $7 a roll every 3 years works for me.

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