Door locks not engaging


New member
Hey everyone!!

This is a fairly new issue for me but whenever I put the doors back on my jeep and plug in all the wiring my passenger door lock will not engage and has to be locked and unlocked manually, just wondering if anyone else has this issue and if there is an easy fix to it?? Thanks for the help!!!

That's a new one for me. Have you double checked the connectors to make sure none of the pins are damaged or bent?
Happened to me alot last year. Was still under warranty and had the dealer look at them. Said the locking mechanism was going out, replaced it. Been fine since, 3/4 have died on us since 2011 i think.
That's a new one for me. Have you double checked the connectors to make sure none of the pins are damaged or bent?

I check the pins every time I put the plugs back in, the pins are fine and the connector even snaps in place. I'll post again when I find out if this is a common issue or not

Happened to me alot last year. Was still under warranty and had the dealer look at them. Said the locking mechanism was going out, replaced it. Been fine since, 3/4 have died on us since 2011 i think.

I'll contact my dealer and see what he says, thanks for the input!!
This happens on mine fairly often. I just unplug the connector and spray it out with a can of air then put it back together. So far it's worked every time.
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