Don't want leaks? Read this thread....


Caught the Bug
So Im on my second JKU, both with hardtops only. First one had 23K before I gave it up and I have never had a leak. From my time on forums, I have seen that most people have leaks due to seal issues. Well, here are two things to can do (one is cheap, the other is free) so it behooves you to do them.

1) Keep your seals healthy and greasy. I write about the product I recommend here. It is Honda Shin-Etsu grease. Will keep your rubber plump, pliable, and protected, letting it do it's job.

2) MAKE SURE YOUR SEALS ARE NOT PINCHED. Here is what Im talking about. After installing the SPOD, I noticed I pinched the seal. If I had left it like this, Im certain the top would have leaked in moderate rain.

This is what is SHOULD look like...

(ignore the white stuff, it's just excess grease)

This is what it looks like if you pinch it.

If you see the seal pinched, undo the DRIVERS SIDE panel, lift it straight up (while sitting in the driver's seat) and put it back down. When you install the panels (passenger side first obviously) put it into position anyway you like then sit in the proper seat (passenger seat for passenger panel, etc) lift panel straight up then carefully lower it straight down, so it butts up against the seals STRAIGHT. Do NOT slide the panel into position, this will move the seal with it, and possibly leak. When both panels are properly in position, go ahead and tighten down all the latches. My method is visors, rear corners, front center, rear center. Go back up on top of the jeep and check seals, and make sure they are not pinched. If all good, tighten down the screw things. Go back up top, check seals again. If all good, take the palm of your hand, and run it from the main hardtop body to the freedom panels ( do one at a time). If the panel is slightly ABOVE the main top, tighten the screws a bit more. If the panel is sunken in BELOW the main top, you overtightened...go inside and back off the screw a bit...recheck until flush or as close to flush as possible.

Thats all she wrote folks.
Thanks for this, will be applying grease this weekend! Can you buy it at any auto parts store?

Highly doubt it. You can get it at Amazon, or at a Honda dealer, but Honda dealers dont stock it usually. The shops in the back use buckets of this stuff, not tubes. My other toy is an s2000, which is a convertible. Ive been using this stuff on those seals for 10 years, and they are still in brand new condition. Not an ounce of dry rot. Still as plump and as soft as the day I got the car.
Amazon seems to be my best friend recently! I'll get some ordered tonight and apply it before I put my hard top back together. Thanks again.
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