Dog harnesses


New member
Guys and gals...can you lend some advice / suggestion, with some pics if possible of dog harnesses you have or have seen?

Top off or down, dog harnesses to seat belts, cage, etc... My basic idea is to use a sling( modified) from one of my rifles, and go from there. Any help would be great.

We use a Petco harness for our Tessa. We buckel up the rear seatbelt, pull the shoulder strap all the way out and retract it so that it locks in place and then carabiner the harness to it. :yup:
I actually made my own screen that covers the top wraps down behind the rear seat. I also made sides as well and held on with those bungee balls. Works well for my little Georgia and helps keep people honest.
I actually made my own screen that covers the top wraps down behind the rear seat. I also made sides as well and held on with those bungee balls. Works well for my little Georgia and helps keep people honest.

Pictures? I'm trying to convince my Belgian Malinois to be a backseat rider and any set up will help me with ideas.

Pictures? I'm trying to convince my Belgian Malinois to be a backseat rider and any set up will help me with ideas.


I also have a Mal, and given the high drive and unpredictable nature of this particular breed, even those trained in protection or IPO, I think you're better off leaving him in a crate. I've seen a Mal literally bite off half a steering wheel one time in a patrol car...the department was not too pleased, to say the least. Plus, by leaving him in a crate, you also minimize your liability. Remember, a dog is a dog and a crate is his den. People tend to treat their dogs like humans all too much.
Here's a video of mals during training. At the 43 second mark, you'll see a mal turn on his own handler.

Why do dog threads often digress into a lecture about the perils of a particular breed or how an owner should handle his or her pet? :thinking: :crazy eyes:
JaySC said:
Fair enough...just trying to help, especially when it comes to mals.

I don't care one way or the might say I don't have a dog in this fight. ;) I just find it interesting that it happens. I suppose it's the same as anything else that people are passionate about. But the guy asked about which harness to choose and within 10 posts he's getting recommended to not to do it. Clearly not what he was looking for.

Sorry, maybe I'm just in a bad mood and overly bored in a meeting that I can't get out of? :idontknow:

Carry on...
Fair enough...just trying to help, especially when it comes to mals.

Noted. I've done my research. She rode everywhere in my Z71 and still in the G37 we generally don't travel together if I have to leave her alone past 10-15 minutes. Wonderful companions even if they are MWD/PWDs!
Noted. I've done my research. She rode everywhere in my Z71 and still in the G37 we generally don't travel together if I have to leave her alone past 10-15 minutes. Wonderful companions even if they are MWD/PWDs!

They absolutely are. I've brought mine to play with Harley and little Mel, but I do have to watch him very closely.

Anyways, my reference was to mals only. Sorry to hijack.
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^^Yes, good idea. I want to use a chest harness on the dog, and have a sling type/style connected to roll bar.etc??/ Looking for set ups for sure.
The older Weim, I just tell him to stay. The younger Weim is a little too high strung for that and always wants to follow if I get out of the Jeep, he gets a leash around the roll bar. Neither dog will ride on the trails, they run alongside the Jeep. They wouldn't dream of jumping out of a moving vehicle...
Guys and gals...can you lend some advice / suggestion, with some pics if possible of dog harnesses you have or have seen?

Top off or down, dog harnesses to seat belts, cage, etc... My basic idea is to use a sling( modified) from one of my rifles, and go from there. Any help would be great.


I hope this helps. Screen from Lowe's, bungee balls from Lowe's and Harbor Freight...different sizes, silver gromments from Michael's or Hobby Lobby.

Screen is 90% UV protectant I believe.

I'll try to get some pictures but we use a neoprene type harness on our dogs and a short lanyard hooked to the child seat thingy in the middle of the back seat. it works well and it is just short enough they can stick there noses out but not much more. Its what we use for top/doors off travel.
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