Dick Cepek Extreme Country Tires


Hey y'all,

I tried looking through some old threads but didn't see any new info so here we go. I'm looking to see if any of you have run dick cepek extreme country tires on moderate or harder trails and any good or bad experiences? Side wall strength issues? I currently run them in 35s and have wheeled them this summer on some mild to moderate trails and was super pleased with them. Preformed great in mud and surprisingly good on rocks. Im going to 37s next year, possibly on beadlocks and am wondering what your experiences are, as i look to do harder trails next year. I know some of you run stt pros and have heard great things about them, so ill go with those if i don't go with the cepeks. Thanks!🍻
I don’t have any experience with the DC mostly because they’ve always been pretty expensive tires. I have had the STT Pros and they are awesome! I will be getting them again.

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A couple of guys from a little hometown Jeep club that I ride with sometimes run DC tires. I forget which ones they ran but they seemed to chunk pretty good. Once they warmed up they seemed to bite decently well but as said above, look into the STT Pros. I absolutely love my STT Pros

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