DAY at the MALL : Calm Before the Storm Run


Staff member
Up here in Northern Nevada, it's not uncommon to have a super nice warm day just before a big winter storm and yesterday felt a lot like summer. We had blue skies overhead, temps in the 70's and not even a breath of wind - it was just super nice out. Unfortunately for us, we had to spend the better part of the day behind a computer but as soon as we finished our work, we packed up Rubicat and headed out to a nearby mall and spent some time playing on the speed bumps. Here are a few pics from the fun we had, I hope you enjoy. :cool:

The first speed bump was a bit bigger than I remembered but a lot of fun to take on.




Heading up the parking garage.


The parking spaces were a little tight.

But I think anyone parking next to us would have enough room to get out.

Oops, I think I ran over a parking stone. But, it is HUMP DAY today so it's all good :D

Circling around to the back of the parking lot.



Making our way to the exit ramp.


It's always weird driving over the reverse spikes as you leave.
Good for you guys. We're getting your weather tomorrow. Looking forward to it. Ready for Spring.
LOL!! Glad you guys like the post :cool:

It's crazy how nice it was yesterday and today is almost the complete opposite. Super windy out and it's already snowing up in the mountains. May have to get out again and play in the snow today :crazyeyes:
Wow! Nice way to spend some time. It will hit the 70's today in NE Oklahoma! I am sure we have some of that Windy, Colder Weather coming but we have a good forcast for the next few days.

I love the pics and the scenery. It is so different from what we have here. My Wife and I are planning trips out West. Please keep fueling our fire!
Wow! Nice way to spend some time. It will hit the 70's today in NE Oklahoma! I am sure we have some of that Windy, Colder Weather coming but we have a good forcast for the next few days.

I love the pics and the scenery. It is so different from what we have here. My Wife and I are planning trips out West. Please keep fueling our fire!

LOL!! Glad you like the pics. I hope you and your wife can make it out this way sometime soon. I think you might like it. :cool:

That looked like a fun day!!

It was and it's your favorite kind of trail. Big rocks but all down in a canyon. If you're up to it, you should come out to play with us. There are even more technical malls we can play on but would be nice to have someone like you there with us just in case. :cool:

That looked like a lot of fun. Great pics!! Thanks for the Mall Report. ;)

We need to get you and Steph up here so that we can do more window shopping. :D
Wow! Nice way to spend some time. It will hit the 70's today in NE Oklahoma! I am sure we have some of that Windy, Colder Weather coming but we have a good forcast for the next few days.

I love the pics and the scenery. It is so different from what we have here. My Wife and I are planning trips out West. Please keep fueling our fire!

Yeah it's too freakin warm for this time of the year. I love it because of the jeep. I've had the fronts off for over a week now. I'd have the back and the doors off if I had some help with the top.

Sucks for work though, been stirring up a lot of pests. Including more kitties! I'll have more to offer later. Lol.

Eddie, awesome pics! I'm super jealous! Lol.
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