Coppering Cove, (Jasper) TN 21 Mar


New member
Copperning Cove, (Jasper) TN

If anyone is interested, I am looking to hit the Copperning Cove trails on Sunday, 22 Mar. After watching a few vids about the trail, most all jeeps should be able to make the ride without much issue.

This trail is located just outside of Chattanooga. Let me know if you are interested.

Here is the list so far of who is going:
Grubbicon & THardy


I will continue to update the list as folks reply.
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I'm definitely interested. Might not be a trip where I can take my Jeep, simply due to cost at the moment, but I'd definitely be down to come take pics and video, as well as spot for everyone.
Do you mean Coppinger Cove? I couldn't find anything on Google for Coppering. Also, Sunday is the 22nd. I'd be down to do Saturday the 21st, though. I will be driving from Camp Lejeune that day back to Missouri. Would be a good place to stop halfway and do some wheeling. Never been there before.
My mistake on the date. I am only able to do the 22nd. Would be great if you could join in.
My mistake on the date. I am only able to do the 22nd. Would be great if you could join in.

Ah damn, won't be able to swing that. Gotta be back to work on Monday morning. May stop by on my own on Saturday and see if I can get myself a little lost.
Yea i typically ride on Sat but daughter's travel ball eats up my Saturdays now. You a Devil Dog?
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