coolant bottle


New member
i was doing some work under my 2012 JKU and I saw that my coolant overflow bottle was hanging by it's hose.

It must have fallen out of it's mount somewhere on the trail. Has this ever happened to anyone?
The bottle just hooks into its mounts on the shroud. I would imagine if you took a hard enough hit driving fast that it would be possible for it to get knocked out. Never happened to me but, I could see it happening if you're suspension is on the firm side.
I had that happen to me as well it ended up hitting my fan an cutting it up pretty bad. Luckily got it covered under warranty but you can put a big zip tie on it to keep it in place. 😄

Ray ⛺
What coolant does it take? Mine is a little low and I know it's some sort of special stuff.

I use the Mopar brand....If I was to drain and refill then I would use other brands. For me I don't want to mix coolant with different manufacturers even though it may state that they are compatible, but that's just me...:beer:

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