Welcome from a fellow Utahn! First and foremost I would say wheel it stock first. I know that sounds boring but it really is the best way to discover its capabilities and it’s limitations. If you bought it already built up then, same as I just stated, wheel it the way it is until you figure out what it’s short comings are. Beyond that there are some key points I think that should be addressed DEPENDING on what your end goal is. I see you have a Rubicon, so you’ve got the best platform to start with. The axles are fairly strong, however once you start playing on bigger rocks and running tires that are 37” or bigger, so areas such as drag links, tie rods and axles will need to be addressed. You can get away with doing gussets and sleeves on the front axle. That will get you buy for quite a while. The factory drivelines aren’t meant for the hard abuse that a lift and bigger tires will put on them, so they are something you WILL have to address eventually. The front track bar bolt hole in the bracket at the axle will eventually wallow out causing some issues. Keep that in mind. There are lots of fixes for it.
Beyond that the JK is great and has few shortcomings. I’m sure others will chime in so take notes. Happy new year, and again, welcome to Wayalife.