Come outside to see my JK on FIRE!


New member
A typical Sunday in a small college town. Woke up on walked to my friends house and picked my Jeep. around 1:00pm. I received a phone call around 4:30pm. A girl-friend from the sorority house across the street…. “Zack!.. Your- Jeeps-it’s -fire…-Jeeps on fire!! Hurry!”Frantically I threw my pants on as i proceeded outside, Instant shock, fear as my heart sank to my feet, viewing in 1st person, My Wrangler up in flames.I can't describe the thoughts that went though my head as flames embedded the interior. All that time, all that work, No, this cant be real!….I knew my hose wasn't hooked up, so i grabbed a bucket water & dumped it through the window. Quickly realizing the inefficiency , I ran to the back side of the house and hooked the hose up, which was still disconnected from winter. Reacting the best with adrenaline accelerating my performance. I was able to get it 80% extinguished., reflecting on Fragments of memory in mere moments of time…I then doused as much could and had most of the flame extinguished. Simtounisly taking in the damage.Aat that time the fire department showed up and finished extinguishing the remainder .The realization of what happened. I turn around, and fell to my knees. How could this happen, As the whole apartment filled of students witness my breakdown.
Unofficially; the fire marshall told me, it could have been from the sun reflecting or the diablo tuner combusted from direct sunlight or a lighter combusting, or vandalism. Driver window was open, maybe someone threw something in there?Who Knows? Thank God no one was hurt, and my dog, “Pacer a GSP is safe”.
we sure will miss our “Big Blue”… I got the call today, they said its a total loss..
What do you guys think about buying it back?
how much is reasonable? (72,000miles) dana 44 winch Stinger, bumper, geared 4.88
Am i better off selling the 3.8 and dropping a LS or 4bt?

Zack Breakiron

See my website for Additional picture and pdf write up

Jeep Fire pdf write up.jpg
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This sucks,, and you have my sympathies,, but why do we need to go to your websight to see pics? :thinking: Post them here.
No offense, but you give "marketers" a bad rep. No need for the shameless RR plug AND, you have a typo in your opening line of your profile. :grayno:

Welcome to Wayalife....this should be fun!
Welcome to Wayalife! Glad to see you only came here to promote your blog. Sorry but that's not going to happen. Refer to the rules you agreed to when you signed up to be a "member" here.
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