Clunk in the steering?


Does anybody else feel a slight clunk in the steering wheel while hitting bumps or coming to a stop? It feels like it's in the steering shaft. Not a huge deal, just wondering.
Does anybody else feel a slight clunk in the steering wheel while hitting bumps or coming to a stop? It feels like it's in the steering shaft. Not a huge deal, just wondering.

Check your steering shaft right where it passes through the firewall. There's a rubber boot and bushing that can work itself free and when that happens, the shaft will bounce around causing what you're hearing. This is a very common problem.
I will check it out, thanks guys.

Be sure to carefully look at the boot on both the inside of the engine bay and underneath the dash. More times than not, the bushing on the shaft itself just slides down on the engine bay side and you can push/tap it back up into the larger collar. However, if the bushing in the firewall under the dash has worked itself free, it can be a bit more of a pain to get back in.
Mine turned out to be a worn bushing on the break pedal itself, the pedal shaft would move left to right when going on un even roads. The pedal would transfer vibrations to my steering wheel making it feel like a loose steering shaft.
Mine turned out to be a worn bushing on the break pedal itself, the pedal shaft would move left to right when going on un even roads. The pedal would transfer vibrations to my steering wheel making it feel like a loose steering shaft.

Shit, now that you mention that, my brake pedal makes some unusual noises sometimes. My JK lead the life of a rental in Hawaii for a few years, it's had the acid test, I'm sure.
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