clunk clunk; now something binding


New member
We took an epic roadtrip from San Diego, to Moab/Ouray, then back - we made it all the way back to Temecula, then started to hit traffic. As I would come to a stop, there was this harsh clunking noise coming from the front axle, it was a the tail end of the braking and it almost sounded like a drop a lout thud (sorry, hard to describe sounds), then when i would start again, it would click or make a sound like it is getting past some binding. Pulled to the side of the road and looked at things, to no avail - nursed the truck off the freeway, made really bad clicking noises though the turn - all of this from what sounded like the front axle. Got a tow home!

I was pretty convinced it was the front driver axle cv, because when I would put it in reverse and it would bind up, it looked like my front wheel was going to explode off axles, i bought some new axles and put the driver side in.

side note on axles - i got the rcvs, i know, not a fan favorite for all, but it seemed to align with my needs (this post isn't about the axle brand).

got the axles, replaced the driver side ( i f'd up the one ring and need to wait to get a new ring before putting in passenger) - it rotated around, it spun well, i got all happy for a minute - dropped the truck off the jack - backed up and what do you know, it is still binding up.

I am at a loss - I don't want to push though the binding and it is in a funky spot after the tow truck dropped it off - otherwise, i would punt and have a pro tow it out and look at it...

this is a 2021 JT - thanks all in advance for your comments
RCV's click and pop loudly after hard use. That is totally normal. Assuming you got rid of your FAD, give your front drive shaft a look at the transfer case output. If you're still running a stock shaft, I'd be willing to bet you'll see grease spitting on the bottom of your tub. If so, your front shaft needs to be replaced.
RCV's click and pop loudly after hard use. That is totally normal. Assuming you got rid of your FAD, give your front drive shaft a look at the transfer case output. If you're still running a stock shaft, I'd be willing to bet you'll see grease spitting on the bottom of your tub. If so, your front shaft needs to be replaced.
What he described is what I remember hearing an exactly from RCV’s.
I don't think it is the RCVs.. i put one side on and can put it in reverse and get out of the vehicle and it wont go anywhere - if i gently put on the gas it looks like the front wheel will bust off - it is the same exact situation it was in before i put the RCV axle in.
I don't think it is the RCVs.. i put one side on and can put it in reverse and get out of the vehicle and it wont go anywhere - if i gently put on the gas it looks like the front wheel will bust off - it is the same exact situation it was in before i put the RCV axle in.
So remove the front drive shaft ...
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