Chopped front bumper


New member
I was reading through the forums yesterday and saw a post where wayoflife suggested that someone cut their front bumper down to make it a stubby. My knowledge on bodywork is limited. Would anyone happen to have enough experience that they could suggest the right kind of tools to get this job done? I know it won't look perfect but I'd hate to chop it and it look really rough and obvious..
We did a basic write-up on project-jk here:


You can also find more write-ups on jk-forum. There are a lot of different methods out there. Here is one:

I was reading through the forums yesterday and saw a post where wayoflife suggested that someone cut their front bumper down to make it a stubby. My knowledge on bodywork is limited. Would anyone happen to have enough experience that they could suggest the right kind of tools to get this job done? I know it won't look perfect but I'd hate to chop it and it look really rough and obvious..

This is good.
We did a basic write-up on project-jk here:

This is better.
You can also find more write-ups on jk-forum. There are a lot of different methods out there. Here is one:

This is store bought.
Link to Stubby Bumper End Caps
The installation instructions are on the page to download for veiwing. (does that sound right?)

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