IMHO, no. The problem with the stock set up isn't just the bulb, it is also the optics/reflectors themselves. There is a reason many people will tell you that the single best modification they have made to their highly modified Jeeps is the addition of Truck-lites.
Before Truck-Lites came along, people did everything from E-Code lens/housing replacement to the NR4x4 IPF (I think it was IPF) replacement. Some of these options are about half the cost of Truck-Lites, but the results aren't nearly as good and, again in IMHO, aren't worth the money even though they are less.
You may get some yahoos telling you about budget HID conversions using the OEM housings. Do yourself (and everyone else on the road) a favor and don't waste your time. It may not seem like a glamorous mod, but Truck-Lites are the way to go and are well worth the money.:thumb: If you want to spend more, JW Speakers rock too but they are NOT inexpensive.