Chasing the Sun Run Part 1 - Quest to see the 2012 Ring of Fire Annular Solar Eclipse


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A couple of weeks ago, I read about an Annular Solar Eclipse that was to occur in our neck of the woods on Sunday, May 20, 2012. At the time, I didn't give it much thought but as we got closer and closer to the weekend, the more more I found myself talking to Cindy about it and before I knew it, we were dropping what we were doing and heading out to the desert to chase the sun. And, after exploring a good part of the eastern Nevada, southwestern Utah and northwestern corners of Arizona, we decided to set ourselves up on a mesa top near the town of Mesquite, Nevada. Here are some pics from our trip.

This is a map we found showing the path of the Annular Solar Eclipse and what we used to find a good location to watch it...

Before heading out, we made a stop over at Oceanside Photo & Telescope to pick up a set of solar viewing glasses...

After stopping in Vegas to visit with Cindy's folks, it was time to head out and find us a place to watch the eclipse...

Did I mention how hot it was out in the middle of the Nevada desert?


Making our way north on highway 93...

Given the situation, this seemed like a good direction to go...

Hmmmm, maybe this guy would know a good place to watch the eclipse - better stop and ask for directions...


Changing course and heading more toward the center of the eclipse's path, we stopped over at the Cathedral Gorge State Park to take in the impressive views...


There are some very cool and fun trails in this area with cool stairs and bridges to cross...

Down in the gorge to check it out...



Exploring one of the many very cool "Moon Caves"...


The passages are get really really narrow and are not something I would recommend for someone who's claustrophobic...

Looking skyward...

A nest of ravens we found high up in the slot...

Back outside and further up the gorge, we found an old water tower that was built a long time ago...

Further north, we paid a visit to the old mining town of Pioche, Nevada - here we are parked in front of the old Pioche Aerial Tramway...

LOL!! A hotel for Overlanders!!

Checking out the old Gem Theater...

Working our way east...


I just love crossing state lines in remote areas like this...

At the end of the day celebrating a crazy trip with one very funky beer...

Day of the Annular Solar Eclipse

Topping off and getting ready to pick a spot to watch the eclipse...

After doing some exploring, we found this place - clear view and nobody around for miles...

But, just in case, we decided to some more looking...



This looked promising too...

In the end, we decided to go back to our first spot and hunker down in whatever shade we could find...

"Remind me again, who's idea was it to come out here in the middle of the desert this weekend?" Tessa trying to keep cool in more ways than one...

Doing a quick test shot of the sun using our iPhone...

View of the sun using a welders glass as the eclipse approaches...

And here we go...

Almost there...

And here it is - the Ring of Fire...

Larger shot of it and without the green tint of the welding glass...

Shot of Rubicat during the Ring of Fire - if you look closely in the lower right hand corner of the photo, you will see a flare in the shape of the eclipse...

Another shot of Rubicat as the eclipse starts to wane - notice the flare...

Time to celebrate this epic trip to see the Annular Eclipse with a bottle of Burery Tradewinds Belgian Triple...

Rubicat standing on the side of a cliff watching the sun go down...


On our way back down to Mesquite...

I hope you enjoyed our adventures chasing the sun in search of the Annular Solar Eclipse. If you would like to see all the pics we took along the way, simply click on the link below:

Chasing the Sun Run - 2012 Ring of Fire Annular Solar Eclipse Photo Album

67 views and I'm the first (make that third) to comment? :idontknow:

Great pics as always!

How was that Rogue beer? If you are ever in Portland, you have to stop at Voodoo doughnut. They have some crazy concoctions. Their maple bacon bars are to die for.
second actually ;) LOl

Nope, third. :yup:

I think we were all typing at the same time. I just had to answer my phone before hitting submit.

Eddie/Cindy: What did you use to get rid of the green tint? Filter or no filter?
WOW awesome mini adventure….Great scenery, something we just don't have around here….Its great that you take the time to enjoy what you have out there….and the time you take to share your great photography with the rest of us...:thumb:
08blkrubi said:
WOW awesome mini adventure….Great scenery, something we just don't have around here….Its great that you take the time to enjoy what you have out there….and the time you take to share your great photography with the rest of us...:thumb:

I second this.
Awesome pics, as always. You and Cndy should consider making a coffee table book on offroading. Would be totaly awesome.
MTG said:
67 views and I'm the first (make that third) to comment? :idontknow:

Great pics as always!

How was that Rogue beer? If you are ever in Portland, you have to stop at Voodoo doughnut. They have some crazy concoctions. Their maple bacon bars are to die for.

I love that place... Really considered buying the $8 five gallon bucket full of the "old" doughnuts when I was there to just carry around with me while sightseeing. Haha. BTW, their "old" doughnuts are only like 8-12 hours old, since they are open 24hrs... Bought a solid half dozen for the wife and I, and grabbed a "The magic is on the hole" tee, then headed to the Rogue brewery! Wish there were good food places here...
thanks everyone, we're glad that you enjoyed the pics. :cool:

Nope, third. :yup:

I think we were all typing at the same time. I just had to answer my phone before hitting submit.

Eddie/Cindy: What did you use to get rid of the green tint? Filter or no filter?

cindy took the pic in RAW format and was able to make adjustments to the color in photoshop.

Awesome pics, as always. You and Cndy should consider making a coffee table book on offroading. Would be totaly awesome.

we're flattered but i somehow doubt enough people would want to buy something like that in today's day and age.

haah I like the bottle opener, never seen that before :thumb:

if you can believe it, it's a craftsman too :D
With all the cool locations you guys go it really makes me want to move to socal. My wife has family in Fullerton and in Temecula. We always make sure we get a wheeling trip in when we are down there.
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