Cerro Gordo / Death Valley conditions?


Taking the new (stock) Rubicon for a little desert exploration... Solo vehicle.

I need some guidance getting from The Racetrack in Death Valley up to Cerro Gordo:

1) Do you think Lippencott Mine Rd would present any problems or should I stick to Hidden Valley and exiting through the South Pass?

2) Is the east side approach to Cerro Gordo similar to the west side from Lone Pine? (e.g. no problem?)

3) Anyone got the new caretakers name and phone number handy? I lost his card.
Taking the new (stock) Rubicon for a little desert exploration... Solo vehicle.

I need some guidance getting from The Racetrack in Death Valley up to Cerro Gordo:

1) Do you think Lippencott Mine Rd would present any problems or should I stick to Hidden Valley and exiting through the South Pass?

2) Is the east side approach to Cerro Gordo similar to the west side from Lone Pine? (e.g. no problem?)

3) Anyone got the new caretakers name and phone number handy? I lost his card.

1. No, this has been a bad year for snow and unless NPS has issued a road closure, you should be fine. Double check with the NPS though as when we were up in the area a couple of weeks back, there were still signs indicating the road was closed.

2. It's even easier - no problems.

3. Sorry, didn't even know there was a new caretaker.
Ran lippencott a few weeks ago you should be fine.

Awesome thanks!

Just got ahold of Robert in Cerro Gordo, he's going to be around when I'm rolling through so that should be fun too. Taking him beer and newspapers. He'll let me in the big one eventually. ;)
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