Hey all...I have been desperately searching the forum for options to mount my CB. I have a 2012 JKUS and of course as all have is limited. I took most recommendations and went for the Cobra 29 in the LX model but was floored when it arrived. I could not believe how big it truly was!
Now I have seen the write up by WOL about putting it on the dash but I guess this is unsightly according to the better half.
My ultimate desire is to put it over head above the mirror but the bracket that came with it doesn't fit the 2012. question there anybody running a "Full Size" CB over their mirror with something other than a custom made bracket? Is there a specific bracket that works best in this option? And if someone did customize a bracket....can you help a brother out with a basic designs to pass on to a fabricator.
Thanks for the help....I just didn't see radio specific topics that I was looming for so I thought I would start a new thread.
Now I have seen the write up by WOL about putting it on the dash but I guess this is unsightly according to the better half.
My ultimate desire is to put it over head above the mirror but the bracket that came with it doesn't fit the 2012. question there anybody running a "Full Size" CB over their mirror with something other than a custom made bracket? Is there a specific bracket that works best in this option? And if someone did customize a bracket....can you help a brother out with a basic designs to pass on to a fabricator.
Thanks for the help....I just didn't see radio specific topics that I was looming for so I thought I would start a new thread.