Careful when backing!


New member
So, the other day, I was stopped at a red trilight by my house. This particular trilight takes a long time to cycle unless there's vehicle activity. So I decided to back my jeep to trigger the sensor (like I have done numerous times in the past). I checked all my mirrors and looked behind me. No vehicles in sight. So I thought. I backed 2-3 feet and heard metal grinding. I was like, what the heck? I look back and there was a car behind me that I backed into.

I have a 4" lift and 35" tires with the 35" spare on my spare tire rack. So,,,,the vehicle behind me was in the perfect position where I couldn't see it at all!

So all you jeepers with lifts and big ole tires, be careful while backing!

The car I backed into was a 2009 Buick LaCrosse. I left my two red tow hook paint marks on his hood and crumpled it slightly. All I got was some paint transfer on my rear bumper.
Ouch. Sorry to hear. At least just minor damage to the car and im sure your pride. Ive had a couple near misses in tight parking lots
Patience is a virtue. I know if I were the person in the Buick I'd have all sorts of whiplash and PTAs because some big bad jeep dumbass backed right into me...!
Install a backup camera or get out and look since you know you a vehicle size blindspot or just wait for the light to cycle.

Hope you insurance rate doesn't go up too much and I'm glad you didn't hurt anyone.
Seems he was pretty close if you only backed up 2 to 3 feet, but he won't pull up that close next time.
The evidence would suggest you got rear ended [emoji6] I would go with that story LOL

But all joking aside that sucks, glad the jeep didn't take any damage.

People are stupid and have no respect for large vehicles, I drive a large service truck for work and have people get so close that they disappear from the mirrors on a regular basis.
In a 5 year gap I backed into 2 cars that I could not see. Once in my truck with a load covering back window and once in the jeep. Both times I was able to give cash for repairs, both times I was backing up clearing the way for semis that could not make the turn. Now semis have to wait for me even if there isn't a car behind me! I went from nice guy to bring a jerk.

Backup camera is on the list!
You would think that, 1) they wouldn't stop so close to your bumper, and 2) that the morons might think to fucking honk since they're stopping in the blind spot.
Definitely get a backup camera. They are cheap enough now to easily justify their cost. Before I had my jeep I backed into a Mercedes with my pickup that pulled up right behind me as I was backing into my parking garage at night. It was just a simple bump, creep-speed. The people got $5000 out of my insurance to re-spray the bumper cover and they both tried to sue for bodily injury. They lost. If I would've had a DVR camera system the whole incident would have been much simpler. I plan on getting a DVR camera front and back for the jeep. Big 4x4 vs any other car does not bode well for Mr. 4x4 driver. There are just too many fuckstains out looking to make a buck and see built up vehicles like our jeeps as opportunities.
I just installed a backup camera on my JK. 3.5" lift and 33's were getting me too close for comfort. I literally just now finished troubleshooting and getting it to work. Turns out I pancaked the ground and cut the wire. Definitely worth the $13 and it plugged into my license plate light.


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I'm thinking about getting one for my wife she drives the jeep for her DD. She just back into our bush this week coming out of drive way aha.
Same thing happened to me only it was with a small shitty Chevy hood for him and not a scratch on me
Hell I'd like to leave the camera on all the time! On the freeways people snuggle right up to you, the smaller the car the closer they get. When you change lanes they go for it too and cut you off. Usually they are yakking on the phone. Assured clear distance? What's that?
Hell I'd like to leave the camera on all the time! On the freeways people snuggle right up to you, the smaller the car the closer they get. When you change lanes they go for it too and cut you off. Usually they are yakking on the phone. Assured clear distance? What's that?

I have my camera set up with the lock pick. You can turn it on whenever you want. I was driving last night with it on to watch the cars.
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