Can-Am vs Jeep...Red Sands, TX

I actually saw THIS (link below) accident, July 4, 2016 out at Red Sands, Texas. Let me set up the scene: I was parked on top of the dune with my lights on staring down into the "bowl". Had my wife and kids out with me. After a bit, we started seeing bunch of stupid drunk high school kids doing dumb shit, like hanging from the back of jeeps doing 60 mph and shit. Right before this accident we noticed a Chevy Surburban stuck in the sand, a few rigs tried to pull it out but failed. Along came this big recovery duelly truck light LED antennas, that was able to slowly drag the suburban out. The occupants in the surburban would get out and jump on the back bumper to get it was a interesting scene to look at. Right before the accident, these two kids were running along side the surburban. The F150 likely driven by someone under the influence came outta no where and decimated those poor dudes. You could hear the passenger in the F150 (a woman) yell at the driver to flee. After a few seconds, the truck punched it in reverse and booked it...Dont know what ended up happening to the victims....I caught an earfull from my wife too, she kept insisting we leave because of the shit we were seeing. Whats worse is my daughters saw it too...and i think they were traumatized by the event....havent been back to red sands at night since then....
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I used to see a lot of that stuff as well in the dunes. Which is why I stopped going as well. Too many crazy drunk people with no regard to safety.
Was the Jeep running a flag? May not have helped in this case but I thought that was mandatory, if not at least advisable on dunes?
I've seen some real stupid people doing stupid things in the dunes. I love to run Silver lake near me, but I will not go there on Fridays or weekends. Flags or not, people don't not follow the marked directions of travel and end up colliding. Cold cloudy days are great to scare most people off!

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this is why I quit going to the dunes.

Too many drunk idiots doing stupid stuff and as a bystander, nowhere to hide.
I've seen some real stupid people doing stupid things in the dunes. I love to run Silver lake near me, but I will not go there on Fridays or weekends. Flags or not, people don't not follow the marked directions of travel and end up colliding. Cold cloudy days are great to scare most people off!

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I went to silver lake once. Last year for Labor Day, I left really quick for those reasons.....

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Sounds like boating on Fourth of July. Lots of beer and egos + not a lot of common sense = accidents.
I watched a sand rail drive straight into a girl on a dirt bike at Glamis a few years back. I watched her die right in front of me. It was flat sand and neither were under the influence, just not paying attention.

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