Californians Now Paying Over 51 Cents Per Gallon In State Taxes


Staff member
Just saw that you guys in California are really taking it up the rear now!

New California Gas Tax Hike Takes Effect, Drivers Now Paying Over 51 Cents Per Gallon In State Taxes
The new tax will increase the price of regular by six-tenths of a cent, which will bring the state gas excise tax to 51.1 cents per gallon. The tax on diesel will increase by four-tenths of a cent to 38.9 cents.

WTF?? o_O
Yeah. Some stations raised the price 10 cents when this went into place because you know, sixth tenths of a cent is similar to ten cents. Others left alone. Regular price is $4.60 a gallon around me. What’s another 10 cents. 🙄
Yeah. Some stations raised the price 10 cents when this went into place because you know, sixth tenths of a cent is similar to ten cents. Others left alone. Regular price is $4.60 a gallon around me. What’s another 10 cents. 🙄
I filled up for $4.15 a gallon yesterday uggg. On my F150 I have a 36 gallon tank so I try to make half tank my fill up point so I am not spending $150 each time.
do voters in California read for comprehension or do they vote how whatever talking head celebrity /environmental group tells them to vote?
maybe voters are so beaten down they don't get out to vote?

"In November of 2018, California voters rejected a proposition that would have repealed the tax."

I've got a couple of programmer friends that just got transplanted to Santa Monica with their jobs; they informed me the salary increase wasn't enough and they now have less disposable income 🤦‍♂️

a little salt ... I filled up over the weekend $2.59 Costco regular
do voters in California read for comprehension or do they vote how whatever talking head celebrity /environmental group tells them to vote?
maybe voters are so beaten down they don't get out to vote?

"In November of 2018, California voters rejected a proposition that would have repealed the tax."

I've got a couple of programmer friends that just got transplanted to Santa Monica with their jobs; they informed me the salary increase wasn't enough and they now have less disposable income 🤦‍♂️

a little salt ... I filled up over the weekend $2.59 Costco regular
It’s like cutting off your own fingers.
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do voters in California read for comprehension or do they vote how whatever talking head celebrity /environmental group tells them to vote?
maybe voters are so beaten down they don't get out to vote?

"In November of 2018, California voters rejected a proposition that would have repealed the tax."

I've got a couple of programmer friends that just got transplanted to Santa Monica with their jobs; they informed me the salary increase wasn't enough and they now have less disposable income 🤦‍♂️

a little salt ... I filled up over the weekend $2.59 Costco regular
In our defense, I had to read that ballot a couple times and I still don’t know if I voted it down or not. I think they intentionally make them confusing as hell.
In our defense, I had to read that ballot a couple times and I still don’t know if I voted it down or not. I think they intentionally make them confusing as hell.
Or they just steal your vote and change it to what ever benefits the left best.
do voters in California read for comprehension or do they vote how whatever talking head celebrity /environmental group tells them to vote?
maybe voters are so beaten down they don't get out to vote?

"In November of 2018, California voters rejected a proposition that would have repealed the tax."

I've got a couple of programmer friends that just got transplanted to Santa Monica with their jobs; they informed me the salary increase wasn't enough and they now have less disposable income 🤦‍♂️

a little salt ... I filled up over the weekend $2.59 Costco regular
That bill was dumb. They worded it in a way that got people thinking that more money would go toward road work and road improvements with skating around the fact that there would be a new/higher tax.
In our defense, I had to read that ballot a couple times and I still don’t know if I voted it down or not. I think they intentionally make them confusing as hell.
That bill was dumb. They worded it in a way that got people thinking that more money would go toward road work and road improvements with skating around the fact that there would be a new/higher tax.
they've tried to pass a few of those confusing "all benefit and no cost" bills around here.
last one took a couple hour's worth of research on my part to figure out it was a reworded previously failed tax hike this time tied to tax hikes spread across multiple entities to make it appear like the single tax hike they were touting was so miniscule it wouldn't impact anyone...fucking politicians
51 cents. Pssssshhh. Pennsylvania said "Hold my beer" We pay 57.6 cents :mad:

In our defense, I had to read that ballot a couple times and I still don’t know if I voted it down or not. I think they intentionally make them confusing as hell.
What he said. It was a yes means no and no means yes. They used an "Imminent emergency" and "need for better infrastructure for emergency responders" to dupe the voters knowing many wouldn't read their voter handout.
51 cents. Pssssshhh. Pennsylvania said "Hold my beer" We pay 57.6 cents :mad:

After CA sales tax you're less than a cent higher and that probably doesn't take into account local sales taxes which are over 10 cents in some areas.
After CA sales tax you're less than a cent higher and that probably doesn't take into account local sales taxes which are over 10 cents in some areas.
True, but just the plain gas tax before you pile on even more BS is still 7cents higher. I'm sure our legislature will get jealous Cali is creeping up on us & raise it even more....
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