Brake Line Angled


Time to swap out the brake lines on my 2014 JK. I attempted this last year but ran into an issue and just kept the factory ones. But have to change the calipers now and figure I’ll do the lines and be done with it.

Last time I was only able to get one of the lines swapped. I forget which rear it was but one of them was angled toward the front of the jeep. When I installed the line bracket that came with the new lines, it was no where near where the hard line was. So I couldn’t get it to line up with the bracket hole. I know you can’t just bend these lines but what is the solution here? I don’t know why this one line is angled to the front while the other rear side gave me no issues and is angled properly.

Any help would be really appreciated.
Just need to manipulate things a bit. Is it not currently mounted on the oem frame hole now even though is facing forward? You can certainly move things around with brake lines as long as nothing gets pinched.

Some reference pics would help too if you have them just to see what you have going on.
Just need to manipulate things a bit. Is it not currently mounted on the oem frame hole now even though is facing forward? You can certainly move things around with brake lines as long as nothing gets pinched.

Some reference pics would help too if you have them just to see what you have going on.
Thanks. I’ll see if I can get a couple pics and report back. Just trying to cover my bases before I start tearing into this project. Much appreciated!
Here’s some pics. And I have a massive leak this low morning. Pedal went to floor last night and I knew I had a leak so have to get on this. As you can see, the brake line is weirdly angled to the front of the jeep. This is the drivers side rear. The line bracket that comes with the new brake lines will not line up. Not sure what to do from here but I can’t drive her until I figure this out. Thanks again for any help. I really hate dealing with brakes. I’m fairly new to it as well.


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That arc looks way too tight. And nut isn't threaded on at all. Do you know for certain the metal line is not knicked/cut?
I’m going to look closely this morning and see what I’m dealing with. I just bought new calipers to put on and have the break lines from when I ordered almost a year ago and didn’t replace due to this angled line. Got home last night late and had the brake pedal going to the floor as soon as I pulled down my block. Knew there was a leak but too tired to look. Got up this morning and brake fluid all over driveway. What timing. Lol. I’m probably going to have to bring this in to the shop. I can’t figure out how to deal with this line angle. So much for trying to save money doing things myself.
This ^^^^
Thank you both. I know nothing about dealing with brake hardline bending. I believe there’s a special tool for this no? I suppose I could give it a go today and if no luck then get to the shop in town. No clue why this line is angled the way it is. I had no issues changing the passenger rear line. Thought it was smooth sailing then I got to this one and nope. Always something. Seems it’s hit or miss when I try to do things myself and save some money. I always encounter some BS that stops me. Any idea what a shop charges to replace a hard line? I appreciate all your help thus far.
Thank you both. I know nothing about dealing with brake hardline bending. I believe there’s a special tool for this no? I suppose I could give it a go today and if no luck then get to the shop in town. No clue why this line is angled the way it is. I had no issues changing the passenger rear line. Thought it was smooth sailing then I got to this one and nope. Always something. Seems it’s hit or miss when I try to do things myself and save some money. I always encounter some BS that stops me. Any idea what a shop charges to replace a hard line? I appreciate all your help thus far.
Looks to me like someone worked on this before. Changing a hard line isn't that cheap. It's usually a very long line that's fairly labor intensive. If it's broken, a flare repair would be a better option. That does require a special tool.

If the nut isn't lined up perfectly on the threads, it won't go on. And don't force it or you'll cross thread it. It is easier to disconnect brackets so both lines can move around easier while you line up the threads perfectly.
Looks to me like someone worked on this before. Changing a hard line isn't that cheap. It's usually a very long line that's fairly labor intensive. If it's broken, a flare repair would be a better option. That does require a special tool.

If the nut isn't lined up perfectly on the threads, it won't go on. And don't force it or you'll cross thread it. It is easier to disconnect brackets so both lines can move around easier while you line up the threads perfectly
Ok. Ill
Have to see what I’m looking at with this. For a flare repair, is that cutting the line and putting a new nut on? Assuming so I will still have to bend the line. Whoever bent it like this in the first place (I bought this Jeep used) needs a smack.
I found this Pic online. Looks like this is how line should point. I'm sure someone here has a stock jk they could compare to as well.

Ok. Ill
Have to see what I’m looking at with this. For a flare repair, is that cutting the line and putting a new nut on? Assuming so I will still have to bend the line. Whoever bent it like this in the first place (I bought this Jeep used) needs a smack.
It's usually a double flare. Nut can be reused as long as threads are good.


Thanks again. Little out of my comfort zone and tool arsenal. Looks like I may be headed to the shop tomorrow. Appreciate all the time and help!!
I would loosen brackets, slightly unbend that line, and see if you can thread that fitting tight first. Carefully look for knicks in that line.
I would loosen brackets, slightly unbend that line, and see if you can thread that fitting tight first. Carefully look for knicks in that line.
I hear you but it’s SO bent that I don’t think I’ll be able to get it back to where it’s supposed to be. And I don’t have a bending tool.
I hear you but it’s SO bent that I don’t think I’ll be able to get it back to where it’s supposed to be. And I don’t have a bending tool.
You don't need a bending tool. Just don't kink it. And be careful unbending where the arcs are.
Yeah BIG difference. Not sure who bent it like it is or why. I don’t think this is a job for me to tackle. This is my daily driver and I’ll have to take a day from work to try and do this and I may be better just having someone who knows what they are doing handle it. Beyond irritating. Doing the caliper swap and new brake lines would have been within my abilities but this line being what it is ruined that. Lol.
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