I had the genright, loved it. Very solid, easy to install, never made a sound. Nice part is you can adjust the tire and anything from a 35"-42" tire. I had the steel version that came powdercoated and had no problems with rust.
I have seen the PS carrier in person, and I do like how it looks and mounts, but I dont trust the side latch plate as much as the genright one.
I've seen a video on the PSC and I've seen the latch, how is the genright superior? Does it use like pins instead?
Yeah that does seem like it would be better than the PSCUses 2 bushings and 2 pins on the latch plate. Adjusted properly, very easy to open and close.
I have to agree with hinrichs assessment of the GenRight tire carrier. It's a real solid design and one that works well. This is just my personal opinion but, even if the latch on the PSC tire carrier does work well, it still looks like ass.