Blowers Produce Mild Fart At Best... :(

It's getting pretty hot here with summer now in full swing and my blowers and ac just don't do much really. :icon_crazy::icon_crazy::icon_crazy:
Drove my old man's JK and it's like a icy hurricane in there compared to mine.

What's the fault find process I should follow? Cabin air filters, ac gas?
I know the cabin filters are behind the glove box, that's about it.
Where's the actual blower fan so I can maybe see if it's serviceable?

And just while I'm here, any mods I can do to the system to turn it into a super mega icy gale force ac of death? :crazyeyes::crazyeyes:

Thanks in advance
Found the culprits. Doesn't look like these have ever been changed by Jeep stealerships during a service. This is why I do my own services now..


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A lot of shops won't check the cabin air filter during services, fyi. But if it is listed on their checklist, then they better damn well check it.
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