BLM May Close Mojave Desert Trails


Staff member
Seriously, this is total bull shit how environmental groups can sue the government and by virtue of it, permanently close public land from public use....

"Environmental groups sued the BLM, alleging that the plan favored off-highway vehicle use over habitat conservation, and a judge ruled last year that the BLM would have to reevaluate the trail system."

"Some of the estimated 5,000 miles of remote dirt roads and trails in the region could be permanently closed to public access."

I just don't get it. What are we supposed to do once they close everything.
The impact would be huge. Could you imagine. I just don't get why these groups insist on taking everything away from hard working citizens. These bastards just won't stop.
Serg5000 said:
I just don't get it. What are we supposed to do once they close everything.
The impact would be huge. Could you imagine. I just don't get why these groups insist on taking everything away from hard working citizens. These bastards just won't stop.

Because they care more about a native beetle than they do other people.
What sucks is that the environmentalists don't even use the land. Sucks that they seem to have so much pull and don't even step outdoors probably.
That is Happening here in Oregon BUT its the Forest Service that is closing the roads. In Eastern Oregon the Forest Service closed nearly 4000 miles of roads until WE the PEOPLE protested...The Closure was lifted and is in the revising stage...A little closer to my house they have closed some roads and added 9 new maps that you have to carry with you when you are in that certain area...I see this problem coming up in was too many places...
WOW these guys are busy screwing things up BIG time , your government is starting to suck, the reason I wanna move from where I am is because of the trails up there. what's the use of conserving something if you can't enjoy it or even see it?
Well, I guess I could have looked into this sooner but, here's a link to the BLM where it has a lot of information regarding what's going on:

About 3 months ago, I did hear about a route in the Cady Mountains that's been closed and I had mailed in a BLM form and formal letter protesting its closure but, was unaware that it was a part of this whole thing. Although I won't be able to make the meeting going on today, I think I may have to try and make future ones.
To satisfy the remedy order, new route designations must be completed, consistent with the court’s order, by March 31, 2014. This is the basis for the supplemental West Mojave EIS and specific travel management plans now under development.

Sounds like if they intend to close it, They would have to build new trails? Hell they found that $54 million lets all hold our breath and see if they use it how they are suppose to! :eek:
Just found this thread. I know its a bit old but it's something that is still being dealt with today. I actually took part and still do help inventory the route system. It's mostly conservation groups with deep pockets that force the hands of the government. The BLM essentially opened more routes by marking and signing the legal routes. Some of these routes had not been traveled in easily 20 years. This actually angered many local land owners who now had vehicle traffic that they had not before they opened their mouths about "irresponsible off-roaders". Feel free to ask me any questions you'd like and I'll try to answer them.
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