Black Bear Pass - Any way to know when it's open?


I'm planning a trip for my final days in Colorado. I'm hoping on doing the Alpine Loop, Imogen, Ophir, and Black Bear. Unfortunately it seems that Black Bear doesn't open reliably, and my trip is from about 1-6 Jul so I'm hoping I can find a way to know when it'll be open before my trip starts.

Are there any resources to track it?
I don't know if it is ok to link to another site here but search for "bushducks pass open" and you will get a site with the conditions of a lot of local trails and passes in the Ouray area. If your trip was for early August I'd try to hook up with you. Good luck and have fun.
THis question gets asked every month of every year, but the answer stays the same. Early July is the goal to open this trail but sometimes it goes longer. There are plenty of other trails in the area for your dates so I wouldn't worry. If you don't get to run it you'll want to plan for later next time. Best time is late July.
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