Bikini/ safari top question


Caught the Bug
Looking towards the summer already. Is there a bikini type top that does an ok job of keeping rain out of the cab without the door surrounds? I see there are several options that work in conjunction with them but being that I only have a hard top I was curious what my best option would be. My goal is to keep the wife dry during the occasional summer rain shower otherwise she will likely want me to put the top back on.

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I have a cheep shitybuilt top that I’ve used with full doors in the rain. For the most part the cabin area stayed dry enough, but it dose nothing for the rear cargo area.

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How much gap would you say you have? Is it something that maybe a little extra roll bar padding would take up?

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I would say something like a pool noodle would fill the gap. The top goes over the front door a little bit, because of it being full width of the windshield. But the back doors are outside of the top because it’s only the width of the roll bar. Here’s the only picture I could find of the setup. Unfortunately the front door is open IMG_4283.JPG

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