BestTop Trek Top help!!!


Hello All, I have a Trek Top NX with zip windows, and the Bikini Top, But for christmas I bought My dad A first version with only the zip off back window.. Here is the kicker, has anyone ever installed this version?? I bought it USED off I guy on Craigslist for $150, it is in mint condition. I just wanted to see if anyone had any photos of the hardware?? :thinking: I do apologize, Just kinda in a jam here.. I know when I put mine on I got Best Top plastic door seals, his has nothing, and he is coming from a hard top.. Thanks for any info provided!!

If the side windows do not come off, it is not the NX. I have installed this version and the one before it. You should have metal door surrounds, 2 long bolts, nuts and washers for each side to secure them to the roll bar and, you should have 1 short bolt per side to secure the surrounds to the top of the B-pillar.
If the side windows do not come off, it is not the NX. I have installed this version and the one before it. You should have metal door surrounds, 2 long bolts, nuts and washers for each side to secure them to the roll bar and, you should have 1 short bolt per side to secure the surrounds to the top of the B-pillar.

Thank You Eddie!!! I have the NX, The one I bought my father Is the one with no zip off windows.. Thanks for the info!!!
Well thanks Eddie! Got it on, finally getting warm enough here in PA to switch it. My dads Xmas present from me was the trek top! He loves it already!! ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1365823146.444061.jpg
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