Best way to install wrinkle and bubble free stickers


Ok, so this may not be the most hi-tech post ever, but this is the best method I've found to mount stickers that are straight, level and without defects. There's nothing worse than putting a sticker on and then stepping back and seeing the damn thing is not straight. Or getting halfway done and seeing a big ugly wrinkle in it. This method works on paint as well as windows. In fact, if you've ever installed tinted window film, you already know how to do this;

Cool sticker (Sorry Eddie, not ready to put my WAL stickers on yet - had to use a stand-in)
Any window cleaner but make sure that it doesn't contain Ammonia! Plain white vinegar will work. Soapy water works great too, especially for very large stickers.
bondo squeege
Wax paper
Tape measure
Adult beverage of your choice optional

Decal 1.jpg

First clean surface and then spray surface area liberally with the window cleaner
I've found that the window cleaner works best because it has high surface tension and doesn't just run off the surface.

Decal 2.jpg

Remove sticker backing and spray the back of the sticker liberally as well. Don't hold back here. Make sure that both surfaces are thoroughly soaked!

Decal 3.jpg

Apply sticker to surface. Make sure sticker slides around a little. Now's the time to either line it up with a body line or crease, or if in an open area break out a level. Especially if the sticker is large. Take the time to measure the placement and/or center the sticker now. After the next step it becomes harder to do so.

Decal 5.jpg

Place sheet of wax paper over sticker and press it by hand so that it covers it completely. Smooth over with your hand making sure that you don't move it.

Decal 6.jpg

Hold wax paper from one end and pressing down on decal holding it firmly in place. Wipe squeege from middle of sticker out. Be careful around sharp edges and points - make sure that you squeege outwards and not inwards over those.

Decal 7.jpg

Last step; take sip of adult beverage and admire handiwork!

After a day or so (or a couple hours in direct sunlight) the last of the window cleaner left after squeegeeing will evaporate and the sticker will be stuck good.
Hopefully someone out there can save themself some grief with this post.

Decal 8.jpg
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Thanks for this little write up. Going to have to give it a try.

There just has got to be something wrong with me. No matter how hard I try, can not get a sticker on strait for nothing.

Even messed up the OHV sticker. Should have just slapped it on diagonally and told everyone "I meant to do that"
Thanks for this little write up. Going to have to give it a try.

There just has got to be something wrong with me. No matter how hard I try, can not get a sticker on strait for nothing.

Even messed up the OHV sticker. Should have just slapped it on diagonally and told everyone "I meant to do that"

LOL - I was the same way until I tried this! You won't dread putting them on anymore!
This truly works. I've helped with several commercial signs which consisted of a 4 foot by 8 foot decal on a metal backing. It took 2 of us to hold the sticker, but with both the backing and the sticker soaked in soapy water, the giant decal just floats like a hovercraft on the water membrane. Once you get it where you want it, squeegee away. Sticker will last for years. Surprising but proven.
You should add measure so the sticker is straight.

Added to step #4

Also WJCO has a good suggestion... soapy water works very well. In fact its better for larger stickers as it doesn't evaporate as quickly as window cleaner or vinegar and allows you to slide the sticker
around easier.
Will this method work on the type of vinyl decal that are sandwiched between sticky film and paper? You know the kind you peel off the paper then apply to the surface then peel off the sticky paper leaving the vinyl decal behind?
Will this method work on the type of vinyl decal that are sandwiched between sticky film and paper? You know the kind you peel off the paper then apply to the surface then peel off the sticky paper leaving the vinyl decal behind?

It should. Just make sure when you put the decal down, you apply good pressure to the part that you want left on the vehicle. I don't think it would be any different.
Will this method work on the type of vinyl decal that are sandwiched between sticky film and paper? You know the kind you peel off the paper then apply to the surface then peel off the sticky paper leaving the vinyl decal behind?

Yep, it will work but there is a slightly different technique. You don't need the wax paper for one since there is already a covering over the decal.
The other difference is that you want to let the windex/vinegar/soapy water dry completely before you try to remove the protective covering off of the sticker.
If you don't you'll pull the sticker off the surface. You can speed up that drying process with a hand dryer or heat gun. Just be careful if using a heat gun you don't get it
too hot. Let it cool down and then carefully remove the protective covering starting on one of the corners.

I did this a couple months ago on my office window:

Zurn fathead J Curtiss.jpg
If you are applying a vinyl sticker with transfer tape (the sticky paper over top) there is a different technique you may choose to use modifying the steps listed above. Instead of removing the backing from the sticker you can leave the it on and apply painters tape over top of the transfer tape to one edge to get it all aligned (typically the long edge). This will act as a hinge and keep the sticker from sliding out of alignment. Lift the sticker and spray the surface as mentioned. I prefer a spray bottle with water and 2-4 drops of soap. Be careful and do not wet the backing. If it gets wet it will make it nearly impossible to remove it from the sticker. Carefully remove the backing and the spray the adhesive side of the sticker. Fold the sticker down carefully starting with the edge taped down and working out. Once its flat squeegee as mentioned over the top of the transfer tape. Once no water is coming out from under the sticker remove the painters tape and squeegee some more. Once everything is good and stuck, spray the top of the transfer tape with your soapy water solution and this will help release it from the vinyl and the surface. If its a large sticker you may see bubbles. If they are near the edge you can usually work them to the edge and release trapped water and air. If they are nearer to the center you can carefully use the corner of a sharp razor blade and poke a small hole then squeegee towards the hole and release the water. This technique is a bit more time consuming but it assures your sticker won't slide out of place...;). This helps on curved or irregular surfaces by allowing you to cut apart the sticker and applying it in sections as it's still attached to the transfer tape and held in place by painters tape. My ex father in law owns a body shop and several times helped with the application of large vinyl decals.
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Good stuff! Thanks for adding that.
I've never seen someone do the complete vehicle wraps. I bet those are a pain to install. Ever do one of those? Probably the same technique?
Good stuff! Thanks for adding that.
I've never seen someone do the complete vehicle wraps. I bet those are a pain to install. Ever do one of those? Probably the same technique?

No never done a vehicle wrap but I can't imagine they'd be anything short of a pain in the ass...;)
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