Best way to get a lot of dirt out of the inner frame?


New member
So I am cleaning the bottom side of my Jeep up and prepping the frame to repaint it. cleaning the surface rust is easy but when I stuck my finger up inside the frame rail there is about a quarter of an inch of fine dirt/dust in there on the bottom. I want to get rid of that before I fluid film the inner frame. whats the best way to go about this? front to back, back to front? try and drive it through the drain holes, and if so where are they located on a JK? should I use compressed air or water? really dont want water in the frame but since I am going to be putting fluid film in there when it dries it should be OK. Any better suggestions?? Thank you!
Leaf blower for loose stuff all the holes you can get to. And then hose, don’t kid yourself plenty of water has been in there already. I’ve never seen a good brush to get in there which is what you really need. Like a dryer lint brush that attaches to a drill but stiffer.
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I’ve always just shoved a garden hose in the frame holes and let it run until the water coming out of the drain holes is mostly clear.
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Put an oscillating sprinkler underneath and let it run overnight; then try to spray up there with a hose to get whatever's left. Still be hard pressed to get it all, but that's always what's worked best for me.

Either that, or just install some things under the jeep, and it will all fall on you while you're working on it, lol.
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