Don't be afraid to pit a few local places against eachother and against their internet counterparts. Many nationwide tire retail stores have price match, and price match plus, policies. Spend some time shopping around online and print out the lowest prices you can find, excluding sites like ebay and amazon, as most local tire stores will only match prices from actual online retailers. Also, don't forget to INCLUDE shipping costs in your printouts, as they will have to be factored into the overall price for them to match it. Then bring your printouts to a few different local tire stores. Some will not only match the price, but also offer an additional 3-5% off! It can be a bit more of a time consuming process, but you can get some killer deals this way. I have scored my last 2 sets of tires at amazing prices doing this. Another bonus is that most local tire shops will give you a free mount/balance and, if you're lucky, free tire rotations for life with your purchase. Best of luck!