Best part of my day!


Watching Wayalife videos with my son.

So I had an awesome day with the kids today! I normally have Mondays off, so being Memorial Day my daughter had the day off also. So I took my daughter and son to the park this morning. We rode bikes/scooters, threw the football, tossed the frisbee, and hit baseballs. Most the day was spent at the park. Took the top off and drove around for a bit.

Normal life then kicked in with reading and showers before bed. So after its all said and done. I sit down to play here on Wayalife.
My son comes back out to the living room and cuddles up beside me. He saw a jeep in the thread Flexing. Looks up at me a says, "I wanna watch jeep videos Daddy." So I go to the film section and watch some videos of Moab with him!

I love that he is 2 years old and watches the jeep videos with me! Even better is when he asks me to go off roading!:rock:
I know exactly what you mean. My 3 year old step son is completely obsessed with jeeps now. When we are riding around in my jeep, he actually yells out "JEEP!!" everytime he sees one. He even spots them before I do sometimes.
When I'm off work, He begs me to take him to daycare instead of mommy, just so he can ride up front in his booster seat in the jeep. Of course I can't say no to that! I haven't slept in, since he bacame my step son.

I can't wait to take him camping on a real jeeping trip soon. I think he'll love it.
Guarantee he will love it! My son was 6 months on his first trip out. Now he will be 3 next month! I drop my daughter off at school somedays and him and I head out for a few hours. It is one of the best things to be out with him.:thumb:
My 3 year old son is the same way:) my daughters 8 months old and she likes to sleep in the jeep:)

If you don't push the limits how do you find them??
At night I have to refrain from getting on my phone or the computer and looking up anything Jeep related until he is asleep. If he sees me looking at jeeps..... it's gonna be a long night of, " I want that one, ooooo no, I want that one." and , " is that your jeep too?"
"who's jeep is that, is that your friends jeep?".... it's endless. lol:driving:
Most of my sons first experiences were sleeping. Always made me laugh when I would turn back after a section of trail that was throwing everyone around and see him still passed out! My daughter would be laughing like it was an amusement ride! Gotta love the kids!
At night I have to refrain from getting on my phone or the computer and looking up anything Jeep related until he is asleep. If he sees me looking at jeeps..... it's gonna be a long night of, " I want that one, ooooo no, I want that one." and , " is that your jeep too?"
"who's jeep is that, is that your friends jeep?".... it's endless. lol:driving:

Oh yeah! Any black jeep is his jeep. All the video we watch he is like we did that!!! Oh by the way my Jeep is really his...
Cherish every minute before you know it they will be asking for the keys. Yesterday my 4yo and I put the rear LoD bumper on the JK before heading to the pool. He loves to watch Jeep videos as well.
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