Baby with top down/heat in back seat


New member
For those of you with kids, do you guys have any idea when it is safe for a baby to ride with the top down.

I have a 3 month old, and was just curious. I live in Canada and my wife finds it cold in the back seat when she is back there with the baby. Has anybody fixed the back seat heat issue?


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For those of you with kids, do you guys have any idea when it is safe for a baby to ride with the top down.

I have a 3 month old, and was just curious. I live in Canada and my wife finds it cold in the back seat when she is back there with the baby. Has anybody fixed the back seat heat issue?


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I do not recommend it at all. Your child's ears and lungs are still developing, not worth the risk at all. :naw::naw::naw::naw:
I know it's not recommended now. Just curious when it is safe.

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I had my 3 yr old in back on 80-85 degree weather....ESS cool inside jeep and he loves eunf and after 20 mins he threw up BC run was too strong ...I felt so bad

So I would err on side of caution...and wait to be ssfe

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Last summer was the first for me with the Jeep although I didn't have the soft top on (yet), I would take the front section of the Freedom Top hard top off and my little one was 11 months old at the time, she loved it so much that she'd fall asleep! Hope this helps😉
My two cents ... Overall I don't is the answer. However I would say wait one year minimum with a strong MAYBE even longer. Even from there ride with a bikini top on. Btw my option is for street riding only. Overall if you want good advice talk to your pediatrician.

Just remember a young child is not going to know when to re-apply sun screen, when they are thirsty, not going to be able to tell he/she is hot or cold until it's too late. Most importantly, a baby is still learning how to regulate its own body temperature.

Welcome to parenthood, there will be PLENTY of time to ride with your top down with your new child.
I have a 3 month old, 3, and 5. Both the 3 and 5yo don't like having the top off. They usually like their windows down (because I like mine down), but then after 5-10 minutes complain and want them up again.

Like mentioned above, I wouldn't risk it. Until your child can tell you whether he/she likes it or not, I'd keep the top and windows up.

Also advisable: Don't tell your kids about the window switches behind the arm rest. Both my kids like playing with the windows in my wife's car. In my Jeep, 'there are no switches, daddy has to control them'.... :D
I live in Canada and my wife finds it cold in the back seat when she is back there with the baby. Has anybody fixed the back seat heat issue?

i installed front and REAR seat heaters in my jkur - $150 for 2 kits. back seat heat issue solved. :thumb:
My 32 month old and 15 month old both like the rear section of our trek top off, and as of recently, doorless. I had tube doors before and the older boy liked it when those where on, but I sold them, and just prefer no doors. I keep the main bikini top on and that cuts the wind down a lot. Then I make sure they both wear a hoodie for a lil ear protection. I avoid the freeway if possible and neither has complained yet:)

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