AZ Trails List


New member
I'm trying to get a list together of trails in the AZ area. Does anyone know a good website or place to search for trails?
Take a look at the book Guide to Arizona Backroads & 4-Wheel Drive Trials by Wells and Peterson. I got this two months ago when planning a trip to Flagstaff/Sedona. All of their guide books are great. Sadly, I ended up canceling the trip.

This is a good book. The wife and I bought one a few months ago and have knocked out 17 trails so far. The green trails are easy, but some of the blue trails will make you think a little. We did a couple of the red trails and I felt I was in over my head. I had just mentioned to my wife that I thought we might be on a tuff trail when I checked my rear view mirror and there was a full on rock crawler buggy behind me. We kinda avoid the reds now.
Anyone ever do South Bass Trailhead or Grandview Lookout, might be a cooler way to see the canyon then just driving up to where all the groups of people go?
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