Artistic help needed....


New member
HEY! Is there anyone out there that's good with computer graphics programs? I'm looking for a JK side silhouette picture, but I really don't want to plagiarize anyone else's work. I wont be selling the picture, just using it for my own little side project for fun! If you post them up I will take it as you own the picture, and are giving me permission to use it. You'll have the chance to have your art shown literally across country to other Jeepers! :beer: Thanks everyone!
I have used this one several times in the past. I got it off the internet and it doesn't appear to be "copy righted"

If you aren't using it for commercial purposes, I don't think you have anything to worry about no matter what image you use.

Jeep Wrangler Sideview 2door.jpg
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