Anyone has this problem??


New member
Its lil hard to explain I have a manual trans 13 unlimited when I'm in heavy sand or going up a steep rocky hill while in 4 hi and traction is off I floor the pedal jeep feels like it's fighting to move forward something is holding me back feels like as if your pulling 10K trailer behind you,few seconds later I get this smoke coming from under the jeep and a burning smell smells like the clutch maybe?? Anyone have any ideas??
ESC is never really off on a 13' (unless you pull the fuse or something similar). My guess is it has detected a slide or skid and is holding the brakes while you are hammering the throttle and you are smoking your clutch. 4HI is very hard on the drive-line and clutch. Kind-of sounds like you need to be using 4LO.
ESC is never really off on a 13' (unless you pull the fuse or something similar). My guess is it has detected a slide or skid and is holding the brakes while you are hammering the throttle and you are smoking your clutch. 4HI is very hard on the drive-line and clutch. Kind-of sounds like you need to be using 4LO.


4-low will also disable the traction control completely, like jnabird said you cannot do this in 4-hi or 2-high without pulling the fuse or wiring a switch.
I don't feel any difference when I turn off traction control it still kicks in all the time that's no good when ur in the sand and need to speed up to get out, so what's best way to completely disable traction control anyone have a link on which fuse to pull? Thanks
If I remember right it's the J6 fuse, but you'll lose cruise control on road. I bet if you did a search on here for disabling the ESC you'll find a better answer, since I'm not 100%.
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