Any Ideas?


New member
Okay guys and gals, I know this is kind of late, but I need some help with gift ideas for my Wife, and my Mother. I'm on a strict budget because we're a one income family. We've only been married 7 months so its our first Christmas being Married. Help please.
Okay guys and gals, I know this is kind of late, but I need some help with gift ideas for my Wife, and my Mother. I'm on a strict budget because we're a one income family. We've only been married 7 months so its our first Christmas being Married. Help please.

Chick's always like jewelry and chocolate, if your broke, maybe craigslist or a pawn shop can help you find something nice and affordable :beer:
Ask your Facebook friends. They may know your wife and mother to make suggestions.

Maybe get them some WAL wear. It's 25% off right now. 👍😉
What's your wife like doing. is there anything she has talked about lately that she really likes but can't bring herself to purchase it? If not I agree the WAL wear is 25% off.
Just remember it is not the dollar amount that is important but the thought that goes into it. Have you thought about doing a coupon book that she can redeem through out the year like taking a walk in the park on when she wants, doing the dishes, laundry etc. you get the idea. again this is just an idea.

After talking to a couple of my wife's best friends, I've decided to just cook her a romantic early Christmas dinner , she'll love that cause I never cook. And for my mother I got her a gift card for her favorite nail place .
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