Any fun trails close to Palm Springs?


New member
I'll be in Palm Springs this weekend with some friends, and I was wondering if there were any decent jeep trails to explore within a relatively short drive from town? I know there's a jeep tour outfit who does a drive in and around the San Andreas fault area, but I think I remember reading that it was private property and only the tour company is allowed on those trails.

I'd love to get a little 4x4 exploring in this weekend while I'm out there, if there's something anyone would recommend.
I downloaded an app call "AllTrails". This app breaks down all the different trails in the area. Also can look on the department of Forestry's page for trails.

There was also a thread going about trails in the Central Valley.
Anzo-Borrego will not be to far from you. It has some fun and historical trails you can run.
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