Another wave from BC!


New member
Hilarious! :clap2:

I've only had my Jeep for a little while now so this sub-culture is a little new to me...but I gotta say, I love it.

When I bought the Jeep I had no idea that every other Jeep owner on the road was gonna start waving at me. In fact, for a long time, I was sure that I must have owned a Jeep that looked similar to someone else's Jeep.

Everyone was waving at me. People that I was sure I had never even seen before were waving as they drove by me on the highway. Not just around home, but everywhere I went. Vancouver, Prince George, Prince Rupert, everywhere.

Then I realized that it was other Jeep owners...mostly.

It's strange, but I get the impression that if I were on the side of the road changing a tire, there is a strong chance that another Jeep would pull up to help.

Even stranger...I think I would stop to help another Jeep.

Is this normal? Am I over-thinking this? My buddies laugh at it. My family, (who witness it), aren't sure what to think. lol

I used to own a S10...I never waved at other S10s. Hmmm...

Don't get me wrong, I like it. :D I think it's great. I like it enough that I'd like to start a club in my area.

Every day I see dozens of Jeeps...and I live in a small, small town. There seems to be a fairly high ratio around here so I think it would fly...

Anyway...Hi from Telkwa! :D

Jeep in the Street.jpg
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Wow, you really are out there.

A friend in PG says the snow out that way should start melting later this week ;)

If you want to have some fun with the wave, just start waving at people at random. It messes with them. Wave at the RCMP (full 5 fingers this time) as you pass by. They don't know what to make of it. Funny how many of them wave back :)

Just because the snow was gone yesterday doesn't mean it won't be back tomorrow...

K...Maybe it's not that bad. lol
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