American Honey

I am a JD guy all the way. Been my whiskey since before I was legally allowed to drink it. The wild turkey honey blows JD honey out of the water. I mean it's not even close! Buuut only one way to find out, and thats to try it out yourself! :drinks:
I've tried most, if not all the variants, and AH is the best in my opinion. Smoothest with least bite. But it is also the sweetest. Several of my friends whom I've introduced it to find it too sweet, but they are scotch and bourbon drinkers.
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i've tried all the honey variations out there and honestly, if one were better, i would be the first to admit as much. but, nothing is better than american honey
Yeah I have to agree with MTG and WOL, being a Bartender, all the wanna be's don't come close. Honey is the way to go:honey:
Well, I think I need to make a stop on the way home Friday and kick the weekend off with a shot or two or three of AH!:beer:
Dang WOL you get all the glory...first the bipass as bump stops now the honey....I got no street cred here lol :giveup:
Sorry Stizzy, I figured cause both of our names were Chris, you would understand :doh:...I get up to Dana Point from time to time Ill make it up with a shot of :honey:
i tried to buy some last week end here in Canada b4 are 3days of off roading and camping, u know to make the tradition go on lol but the bottles aren't the same so i don't know if its the same stuff as u guys so i may have to plan a trip across the boarder to get some lol
American Honey definitely the best I have had, but try all and see for yourself. It will be fun trying.
Haven't tried the others. But what I do know is, pouring a shot on top of a glass of ice and letting it mingle a bit..... Just can't be beat.
This has to be the best thing ive ever drank. I can definatley tell why its the way of life drink.
i just love the fact that there are things in this world that we can all enjoy together :honey:
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