If I buy a used procal from a guy who owned an 08, and it's been "unmarried" from his jeep, can I use it on my 2013? I know the engine is not the same but is the ecu?
If I buy a used procal from a guy who owned an 08, and it's been "unmarried" from his jeep, can I use it on my 2013? I know the engine is not the same but is the ecu?
No it will not work. The 13 and 14's have an updated AEV that came out after the 13's were introduced. Now they will go backwards so if the procal from the 08 is an updated 13 and above one then it will work but if it was purchased new prior to 13 no it will not work. I bought my 13 in Sept 12 and the new procal was just introduced at that time.