AEV Procal in Reno NV


New member
Hi we are on a road trip stopping in Reno a few days. Anyone in Reno have a procal programming device that would be willing to help me out and give me a program update for tire size on my 07 JKU in trade for beer? Shift points are way off on the hills and speedo is off.


added from wayalife app for droid
They do not work on more than one vehicle at a time. They have a 4wheel parts in town where you could probably pick on up. :thumb:
They are vin locked. You can't use somebody else's unless they reset it. Then if you use it they wouldn't be able to.
Well crud on the VIN lock.
Yah smoke suck in Reno, its bad at home.

added from wayalife app for droid
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