Replace the line and recharge the system.
The proper way is to have a shop evac and recharge. I've had good luck with those DIY cans from auto parts stores. The gauges on the can aren't worth a shit, but you can at least feel your vent temp when the AC feels cold.
I do plan on a shop doing the recharge. I'm more concerned with fixing the damaged discharge line. I've researched the part online and it goes for around $50. Has anyone replaced this part?
I'm a little shocked no one has experienced this problem. Where's all the backyard mechanics?
Drinking beer in their back yards.
First post I have seen dealing with a busted AC line. Have you been able to figure out what caused it to blow?
Not really sure, it looks like it was slightly rubbing against something which eventually caused a hole. I'm sure I can fix the line, but I'm worried about getting contaminates in the AC system. I also don't feel like dropping a few hundred bucks at a shop either.
Clean off the connections of the old line with brake clean. Then put the new line on quickly. Although the right way is to evac and recharge, you'll most likely have good luck charging it yourself. The worst that could happen is if moisture (from the air) does get in there to a point of causing an issue, you can still go to a shop and just pay for a evac and recharge.