A Wave From New York


New member
Hey guys whats going on? My name is Carmine im from New York, just purchased a 14 JK Unlimited Rubicon looking to do some upgrades to it and looking for new places to wheel. Any ideas for some upgrades or new areas to areas to wheel would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou enjoy
Welcome Carmine! I'm from Staten Island - nice to see another that's close. We have a really good group of Jeepers here on the East Coast. We have been wheeling at Rausch Creek about once a month. Our next trip is for the 25th if you are interested in joining. As for mod ideas, first figure out what kind of wheeling you want to do, then mod accordingly, but recovery gear is a must for all builds if that's where you want to start. Cheers :beer:

The Force will be with you.... always
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