A special place in hell for thieves


New member
Went to a concert last night at Red Rocks here in Denver. Came back to find my assault pack missing from my front floor board. I carry this thing EVERYWHERE. In it were; gym clothes, ditty bag for showers, bluetooth headphones, my Yeti coffee mug, SOG pocket knife, several caribeeners, and my check book!!
Fuckers just crawled right in through the open back, laid down the back seat (had to make it comfy for their entry,) grabbed the bag and also went through my glove box. Snagged my crappy Cobra walkie talkie CB (but left the antennae.) Left the flashcal in the glove box, oakleys on the dash, and just proceeded to make my Thursday a lot busier with calling my bank.
No where near what ASPENKID went through..but still, what a bunch of assholes.
Why work for things when you can Just Steal Them. The one thing I can't stand is thieves, Scum of the Earth.

Sorry to hear you got Ripped Off.
My buddy josh knows this all too well brotha, had his jeep stolen and two sports bikes, fucking low lives man
Iv been broken into twice myself, and had a carhart jacket with my name embroidered on it and my company logo's stitched into it, and my oakleys, I really hate theives
They need to have a finger or other body part similar in shape cut off for their crimes!!!!! We loose something of ours, they loose a few of theirs!!!! Sorry man!!!
i kept telling myself last night, it could have been worse...but i agree. go middle east and chop parts off of the thieves.
We were in Ocean City for Jeep week and had the same thing happen to us and a few other jeepers at the hotel. They stole my off road tool bag along with some other stuff. Now replacing everything has been a pain in the ass to remember everything I had in the bag.
Damn, this is shitty. Sorry to hear about this.

It reminds me why my first mod was a security deck for the back of my Jeep, why I keep the glove box and console locked, and why I always lock my doors and set the alarm. I'll be putting in a hood lock and locking gas cap too. There's way too many idiots up here with sticky fingers. Just because they don't have nice things shouldn't mean I can't.
This is the ONE thing some middle east countries have right. If you are caught stealing,, you loose a hand. I love it,, that way the rest of society knows what you are for the rest of your life.
Sorry you lost stuff.
I'm still watching out for somebody wearing my old work jacket that got stolen from my car years ago, along with some tools and tie downs.........if I see someone wearing my coat, I swear I'm going to take their head off and ask questions later....
I hate thieves.
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