A little help ?

Just finished lift install today, driving down the road for the first 40 miles it was perfect, than after picking up the wife boom death wobble twice in a row than everything was back to normal for 5 to 10 minutes than my ESP/BAS light and traction control light came on, any ideas what could be up ?
Others with more experience might chime in but did you retoruqe everything to spec and recenter you steering wheel? Hope you work it out

Sent from my GT-I9300 using WAYALIFE mobile app
Lifts don't cause dw, try to loosen control arms and track bars, rock it back and forth, then re tighten to spec.good luck
It's only a two and a half, I will have to do this all when I get back from 4 days in the missile field. Appreciate the quick responses though guys
It's only a two and a half, I will have to do this all when I get back from 4 days in the missile field. Appreciate the quick responses though guys

That reference will solve the problems that your having on a 2.5" lift. If you still having problems then you have to purchase some parts maybe.
Make sure you have everything torques up. This may sound silly but did you tighten the lug nuts? Had an issue with a honda having a death wobble symptom and it was the drivers side tire with loose lug nuts.


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Yeah the wife was with me when it started wobbling at like 50mph, don't think I've ever seen her so scared

First I experienced death wobble was riding in my friends Ford Maverick, felt like the whole thing was going to tear in two haha. I can see why she was so scared
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