A good laugh


New member
Last night the fiancee and I went to olive garden by a mall... as i was driving toward the olive garden parking lot I saw a JK with an empty space next to it. I pulled right in. My fiancee looks at me laughing because we still had about a football field between us and the olive garden, but at least i was next to a fellow jeeper.
It was great at Jeep week at the ocean last summer, every direction you look people were in Jeeps it was great, until my radiator got clogged with sand and I started over heating :doh:
Someone did it at the gym last night when got out there was TJ parked beside my JKU
my buddy drove threw the lake to the island and later that day his over heated, he ended up getting it working and had to flush his coil when he got home.
It was great at Jeep week at the ocean last summer, every direction you look people were in Jeeps it was great, until my radiator got clogged with sand and I started over heating :doh:
Was he the guy that had to e pulled out by te tractor?

I think a lot of people were having overheating issues because the mud out there is so sandy
It's to the point now where my wife thinks it's weird if I don't try to park as close as possible to another Jeep.. She's learning well now if I can just get her to remember to do the Jeep wave..
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