5000+ maximum care


New member
Hey so I went to the dealer and they told me about Maximum Care that is for life and unlimited miles. I have a 12 jku reaching 40k. They said i can purchase this and be cover. Wondering if anyone purchase this for there used Jeep and if it's worth it.
Hey so I went to the dealer and they told me about Maximum Care that is for life and unlimited miles. I have a 12 jku reaching 40k. They said i can purchase this and be cover. Wondering if anyone purchase this for there used Jeep and if it's worth it.

Even working in the warranty business, I am not familiar with it too much. Most important thing.....READ THE CONTRACT. Whatever you buy, understand what you're getting so there are no surprises when it comes time for repairs.
Most warranty contracts don't allow modifications. Dealers will tell you total BS to sell you something.
If you do buy a warranty, make sure it's an FCA warranty and not some aftermarket BS. And make sure it
has a ZERO deducible too. Paying 100 bucks for a covered problem is a ripoff, IMO!

I would take the money and put it into a saving account and be my own warranty administrator :yup:
As much as I would like to think this will be my "last Jeep" and I will be keeping it forever I am only fooling myself. I don't keep cars long enough to buy a lifetime warranty. Actually I barely keep cars long enough to buy an extended warranty. The only car I will keep that long I should be able to do most repairs myself, like my chevelle or the old pickup I am still looking for.
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