4 door hardtop $500. On Craigslist!

If I lived in Oregon I might consider it. Although it's not very good that he is advertising that it leaks! Makes me wonder if it was damaged and repaired since he says he sanded and painted it and there's carpet on the inside..... Who knows.
My freedom top leaks on the passenger side. Have had it to the dealership a couple of times. Thinking of ditching the hardtop for a softtop so it has a reason to leak. ;)
My freedom top leaks on the passenger side. Have had it to the dealership a couple of times. Thinking of ditching the hardtop for a softtop so it has a reason to leak. ;)
I have noticed that if I crank down the "safety" screw in retainers it seems to cause the front outside corners of the freedom panels to leak in water. Try it, it may help.
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