3.6 Engine coolant

Riley Moss

New member
So I have quite the debacle here cause I went to the dealership winter of 2014 to get coolant for my jeep.( 2013 Jeep Wrangler sport. ) and was assured that it was the right stuff not knowing that there was a beware thread on this already so reading this thread I thought I should double check... Turns out the dealership have me the wrong coolant and I topped my coolant system with HOAT instead of what should have been OAT I called the jeep national hot line and the rep called several other dealerships before calling the one that sold me the coolant and they all said that the dealership that sold me the coolant sold me the wrong stuff. So he called the dealership and I am awaiting a call from there service manager. My jeep has been running fine since the last time I topped it off 3-4 months ago so the JEEP rep noted that they need to give me a free flush I'm hoping that it will be fine after that and that there is no damage done to the actual engine. So we will see how this all drags out.
I'd take the rep up on the flush and replacement. Chances are you won't have a problem with topping off, but at least you are on record if it hits the fan (radiator fan). Good luck.:yup:
Haha thanks yeah I'll keep updated I'll definitely have it show on the receipt that it was there error for any future problems.
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