2014 sport with e disco OEM install help


New member
hello all , short and sweet !! I want an e disco in my 2014 jku sport, .... I know already but I like a challenge besides if for some reason I cant get this to work :thinking: i'm only out 40 bucks and then I will finish my air disco setup !!!!! mopar.com offers this part#82210218, after a ton of searches and multiple dealer calls and such I have ordered the e disco wire harness from the bar to engine bay now here's where it gets dicey dealer says the switch number in the kit will NOT work with 2014 , so we ordered the oem rubi "offroad" switch panel. I know I will need a computer flash ,anything else ??

1. has ANYONE done this on a 2014?
2. can someone please tell me if the 2014 sport has the necessary plug behind dash to just plug and PRAY ?
Thanks in advance any and all help is greatly appreciated !!

You can't wire it in the dash only the 2010 and orders. You can wire it directly to a toggle switch with a bit of work.
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